Saturday, 5 November 2011

Mixed Martial Artist foil Would-Be Robber Of California Hotel

A would-be robber's attempt steal from a motel's register was foiled after a pair of mixed martial arts fighters visiting from Oregon wandered onto the scene, the Los Angeles Times reported.

A video posted on the LAPD's website shows the gun-toting suspect approaching the clerk motel desk and demanding money. As the robber walks away with the bag, the video shows two of the fighters, Brent Alvarez and Billy Denney, coming off of the elevator and almost immediately subduing the suspect into a chokehold.

The unlucky gunman, who was taken into custody when police arrived, was identified as Luis Rosales, 31. He was booked on $101,250 bail.

"He wasn't trying to punch us; he just seemed like someone who had run out of options," Alvarez told the Los Angeles Times. "I think back now and wonder what the hell was I doing? I should of hit him and knocked him out."

Alvarez added that Rosales kept begging to be released and saying he did it all for his daughter.

Police told the newspaper that they recovered all of the cash Rosales had stolen. Meanwhile, Alvarez and Denney are competing in the World Jiu-Jitsu No-Gi Championship on Saturday.

"I might have more butterflies than usual because I already had my fight for this week," stated Alvarez.

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